
Redator(a) para blog de trainamento em segurança da informação

06/02/2022 às 14:52

Descrição do Projeto:

Need a writer to write 5 blog posts in English for an online IT security training course.

750 words per blog post.

[POST 1]
TITLE: The Human Factor: How security training can protect your business.
SUMMARY: Poorly trained employees are easier targets for hackers than hardened computer systems.
KEYWORDS: IT security training, security awareness training, info sec training.

[POST 2]
TITLE: The Ransomware Threat
SUMMARY: Ransomware is highly profitable; hijacked data is near impossible to recover without paying the ransom; Frequent backup and training are the best defense.
KEYWORDS: IT security training, security awareness training, info sec training.

[POST 3]
TITLE: How Training Friction Affects Knowledge Retention
SUMMARY: Unfamiliar, slow and/or broken user interfaces can significantly impact one's ability to focus.
KEYWORDS: security training Slack app, no friction security training.

[POST 4]
TITLE: How Assessments Help You Learn
SUMMARY: Answering questions about a topic helps with preventing tricking yourself into believe you've learned something when you actually didn't.
KEYWORDS: security training questions, security training completion certificate.

[POST 5]
TITLE: The Challenges of Work From Home
SUMMARY: IT departments can't have physical access to all computers in the network anymore, poorly trained employees are weak links.
KEYWORDS: work from home security training, home office security training.

The writer is responsible for:
- Edit the posts in WordPress;
- Add one or two royalty free (Pexels, Unsplash, etc...) pictures or illustrations to the post.
- Add the credits to all the images used;
- Proofreading;

All posts must reach the green score on Yoast for both SEO and legibility.

Please, make sure the pricing on your proposal covers all the work listed above, do not send a "per post" pricing.

Thank you.

Atividades do cliente nesse projeto:

Última visualização: 30/03/2022 às 09:49

Última interação: 12/02/2022 às 13:56

Informações adicionais

Categoria: Tradução
Subcategoria: Inglês
Orçamento: Aberto
Nível de experiência: Intermediário
Visibilidade: Público
Propostas: 8
Propostas excluídas: 7
Interessados: 11
Valor Mínimo: R$ 40,00


Freelancer vencedor

Propostas (1)
  • Freelancer novo Promovida Aceita Aceita Rejeitada

    Submetido: | Oferta: Privado | Duração estimada: Privado

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