
Measure and draw out apartment plan for renovation Rua Siqueira Campos Copa

20/07/2024 às 08:47

Descrição do Projeto:

#### Objective:
To accurately measure and create a detailed floor plan of the apartment to facilitate the renovation process. The floor plan will include precise measurements of all rooms, walls, doors, windows, and any built-in features to ensure accurate planning and execution of the renovation.

#### Scope of Work:

1. **Initial Assessment and Preparation:**
- Conduct an initial site visit to assess the apartment layout and identify all areas to be measured.
- Prepare necessary tools and equipment for measuring, including laser distance meters, measuring tapes, graph paper, and digital tablets for sketching.

2. **Measurement Process:**
- Measure the overall dimensions of the apartment, including the length and width of each room.
- Measure the height of the ceilings in each room.
- Record the dimensions of all walls, noting any irregularities or variations.
- Measure the size and position of all doors, windows, and built-in features (e.g., closets, kitchen cabinets).
- Identify and measure any structural elements such as beams, columns, or load-bearing walls.
- Note the location of electrical outlets, switches, plumbing fixtures, and any other utilities.

3. **Detailed Sketch and Documentation:**
- Create rough sketches of each room, noting the dimensions and positions of all elements measured.
- Ensure all measurements are double-checked for accuracy.
- Transfer the rough sketches into a detailed, to-scale floor plan using architectural drawing software or graph paper.

4. **Digital Floor Plan Creation:**
- Use software such as AutoCAD, SketchUp, or a similar program to create a digital floor plan.
- Ensure the floor plan includes all relevant details such as room dimensions, wall thickness, door and window placements, and any structural or built-in features.
- Label each room and feature clearly on the floor plan.

5. **Review and Finalization:**
- Review the digital floor plan for accuracy and completeness.
- Make any necessary adjustments based on further measurements or feedback.
- Provide a finalized floor plan, both in digital format and printed copies if required.

6. **Presentation and Delivery:**
- Present the finalized floor plan to the client or renovation team.
- Ensure the plan is easy to understand and includes all necessary details for the renovation process.
- Provide additional copies or modifications if required.

#### Deliverables:
- Accurate and detailed floor plan of the apartment in digital format (PDF, DWG, etc.).
- Printed copies of the floor plan if requested.
- A report summarizing the measurements and any noteworthy observations or recommendations for the renovation.

Atividades do cliente nesse projeto:

Última visualização: 20/07/2024 às 09:37

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Informações adicionais

Categoria: Outra Categoria
Orçamento: Aberto
Nível de experiência: Intermediário
Visibilidade: Público
Propostas: 1
Interessados: 1
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