
Arrumar app na Play Store

10/06/2024 às 15:48

Descrição do Projeto:

Deverá ser realizado exclusivamente via AnyDesk

Preciso de alguém para arrumar app que foi removido da Play Store. App em React Native.

Hi developer at .....

Thanks for contacting the Google Play team.

Status: App not available on Google Play, pending your action.

We’ve accepted your appeal and included details below about what additional steps you’ll need to take to get your app to appear on Google Play.

Action required: Submit your app .... (com.ionicframework......938770).

Step 1: Check “Policy Status” in your Play Console.

Before republishing your app, please check “Policy Status” in your Play Console to view other violations that your app may have and address the violations. Please also make sure that your app complies with all Developer Program policies, as additional enforcement could occur if there are further policy violations.

Step 2: Submit a compliant update to your app.

To submit an update to your app’s store listing information:

Sign in to your Play Console account.
Select the app with the policy issue.
Select Store presence > Main store listing.
Make changes to bring your app into compliance.
Click Save.
To submit an updated app bundle or APK:

Prepare your updates.
Create a new release using the compliant app bundle or APK. Be sure to create the new release on the same track(s) as the noncompliant app bundle or APK, increment the version number, and set the release to 100% rollout.
Follow the on-screen instructions to add APKs or app bundles, then review and roll out your release.
If the "Save" button is grayed out, you can make a minor change to your store listing to activate the button. For example, add a space after your app title and then delete it. Once the button turns blue, you can submit your update.

Kindly note that your changes aren't sent for review automatically. You must go to the Publishing overview page and click Send for review to submit your changes.

Please note that after you submit an update to an existing app on your Play Console account, it can take some time for your app to be processed for standard publishing on Google Play. To check your submission status, you may follow the steps below:

Sign in to your Play Console account.
Select your app.
On the left menu, select Release > Production or Testing. (Select the track(s) you have released)
If you need additional help, you can also visit the Play Console Help Center or the Android Developers website.

Thanks for your continued support of Google Play!

The Google Play Team.

Habilidades desejadas:

React Native

Atividades do cliente nesse projeto:

Última visualização: 10/06/2024 às 17:33

Última interação: 10/06/2024 às 18:03

Informações adicionais

Categoria: Web, Mobile & Software
Subcategoria: Desenvolvimento Mobile
Orçamento: Aberto
Nível de experiência: Iniciante
Visibilidade: Público
Propostas: 4
Interessados: 5
Valor Mínimo: R$ 50,00


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