
Pablo C.

Software engineer and Developer

(5.0 - 1 avaliação)

Ranking: 18223 | Projetos concluídos: 1 | Recomendações: 1 | Registrado desde: 03/04/2017

Sobre mim:

I'm a Brazilian Software Developer from Minas Gerais "Uai!". I've work professionally with software development since 2009.
I'm passionate about technology and entrepreneurship. I seek every day of my life to learn new knowledge and perfect those I already have. I could say that the most motivating thought is the thirst for solving problems and helping others.
I know the world isn't perfect, and neither am I (perfection never pleased me at all), I believe much more in: solving the problem and then improving its solution than finding the perfect solution (which may never exist).
I love being with my wife with my relatives and friends and I value friendships above all else. I believe that teamwork is a fundamental tool in achieving goals, whatever they are.
By having this way of thinking, I've always worked in companies that value these qualities and I'll be eternally grateful to them for the beautiful life experience they've given to me.
I try to make the most of everyday situations, whether they are, good or bad (you never know how much a new life experience can bring you knowledge).
I love developing code and since I started doing this (since 2006) I've never stopped (and maybe never stop, so I intend). That's why my professional focus is in the area of ??software development.
I consider my personal abilities to be empathy, charisma, curiosity, patience and persistence.
My technical skills include software development, agile software development methodology, TDD and a polyglot programmer.

Resumo da experiência profissional:

Head of Software Development at Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri
October 2015 - until moment

Company information:
Address: Rodovia MGT 367 - Km 583, 5000 - Alto da Jacuba, Diamantina - MG, 39100-000
Phone: +55 38 3532-1200
My manager: Elton Pereira Rosa
Manager contact:

Software Developer at Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri
September 2015 - until moment

Company information:
Address: Rodovia MGT 367 - Km 583, 5000 - Alto da Jacuba, Diamantina - MG, 39100-000
Phone: +55 38 3532-1200
My manager: Elton Pereira Rosa
Manager contact:

Software Developer Analyst at TOTVS
December 2014 - September 2015

Company information:
Address: Edifício Raja TOP, Av. Raja Gabaglia, 2664 - Santa Lúcia, Belo Horizonte - MG, 30494-170
Phone: +55 31 2122-9000
My manager: Alaim Porto Alvarenga
Manager contact:

Software Developer at GSM Sistemas
November 2013 - November 2014

Company information:
Address: Av. Álvares Cabral, 982 - Lourdes, Belo Horizonte - MG
Phone: +55 31 3275-1703
My manager: Cristiano Cordeiro Alves
Manager contact:

Software Developer at Gaia Consulting ERP
June 2013 - October 2013

Company information:
Address: Shopping Ouro Preto - Loja 18, R. Funchal, 308 - Ouro Preto, Belo Horizonte - MG, 31310-440
Phone: +55 31 3646-9199
My manager: Christiano Rodrigues de Souza Santos
Manager contact:

IT Support Assistant at Edvel Veículos, Peças e Serviços LTDA
July 2012 - December 2012

Company information:
Address: R. José Anacleto Alves, 158 - Cazuza, Diamantina - MG, 39100-000
Phone: +55 31 3531-5000
My manager: Edmar Eugenio de Macedo
Manager contact:

Web Developer Intern at Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha
October 2009 - September 2011

Company information:
Address: Rodovia MGT 367 - Km 583, 5000 - Alto da Jacuba, Diamantina - MG, 39100-000
Phone: +55 38 3532-1200
My manager: Ricardo Brasil
Manager contact:

Histórico de projetos & Avaliações:

  • "" Nenhum comentário


  • "Ótimo trabalho, super atencioso, fez o serviço como prometido e bem rápido. "

    mai. 2017 - mai. 2017



  • .NET Framework
  • Cloud Computing
  • Desenvolvimento de API
  • J2EE
  • Javascript
  • NoSQL Couchbase
  • SQL

Áreas de interesse:

  • UX/UI & Web Design
  • Banco de Dados
  • Desenvolvimento de Games
  • Desenvolvimento Mobile
  • Desenvolvimento Web
  • Marketing Digital
  • Cloud Computing
  • Desenvolvimento Desktop
  • Outra - Web, Mobile & Software



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