
Matheus F.

Full Stack Developer & Copywriter

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Ranking: 759854 | Projetos concluídos: 0 | Recomendações: 0 | Registrado desde: 21/07/2020

Sobre mim:

Aprendo rápido, perfil analítico, proativo. Amo softaware, hardware e escrever. Possuo facilidade para escrever textos elaborados e persuasivos desde o tempo de colégio (habilidade nata). Trabalho com .Net (todas as linguagens que usam o framework), Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Power Plaftform), PHP, Javascript e Python.

Fast learner, analytical and proactive profile. I love software, hardware and writing. I have had the ability to write elaborate and persuasive texts since high school (innate ability). I work with .Net (all languages ??that use the framework), Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Power Platform), PHP, Javascript and Python.

Resumo da experiência profissional:

Up Business Game
December 2022 – April of 2023
Modelling, design and development of streaming platform for schools and universities builded with PHP, Laravel and MySQL.
Used methodologie: Scrum

Techway Informatica envolved Junior Software Engineer
December 2021 – May of 2022

Software support and creation of new features on demand.
Stacks: .Net Core, MVC, ASP.NET, SQL Serer, C#, VB.NET, VB 6.0, Gitlab, Scrum.

MarkSYS Comércio de Produtos para Uso Industrial
Software Engineer/Support Analyst (Intern)
june 2019 – march of 2020

C# .Net development - Windows/Windows CE; network infrastructure and PC maintenece; client support.
Used technologies: SQL Server and GIT


  • .NET Framework
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Chatbot
  • Copywriting
  • Desenvolvimento Mobile
  • Inglês Avançado
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Python
  • React

Áreas de interesse:

  • UX/UI & Web Design
  • Banco de Dados
  • Desenvolvimento Mobile
  • Desenvolvimento Web
  • Cloud Computing



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