Hi! My name is Gustavo Ventura Gianluppi, and I work with technology and process automation. I have experience with Google Apps Script, Notion, API integrations, and developing custom solutions to optimize workflows.
I have worked on automated systems for Google Drive, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Gmail, as well as integrations with platforms like Clicksign, Kissflow, SendGrid, and Qlik Sense. I’m also skilled in VBA for Excel, MIT App Inventor, Telegram Bots in JavaScript, and automations using MacroDroid.
I'm always open to new challenges and ready to turn ideas into effective solutions. Feel free to reach out!
Resumo da experiência profissional:
IT Support Analyst (2024 - now):
Providing technical support and solutions to improve company processes.
Troubleshooting and resolving IT issues.
Automating tasks using Google Apps Script.
Maintaining and optimizing internal systems and tools.
Assisting in the integration of various business platforms.
Visual Basic para Apps
Google Apps
Excel Macros
Excel VBA
Google Sheets
Áreas de interesse:
Banco de Dados
Desenvolvimento Mobile
Desenvolvimento Web
Desenvolvimento Desktop
Outra - Web, Mobile & Software
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