
Fabiana A A.


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Ranking: 2235547 | Projetos concluídos: 0 | Recomendações: 0 | Registrado desde: 20/06/2024

Sobre mim:

My name is Fabiana , I have a diverse professional background with experience in teaching, administration, foreign trade, and nursing. Although I do not yet have specific experience in software testing or remote work, my career has provided me with valuable skills such as attention to detail, organization, and effective communication.

I am a curious and enthusiastic person, always seeking new challenges and learning opportunities. I love traveling and testing new places and things, which gives me a unique perspective for project analysis and evaluation. I believe this passion for discovering and evaluating new experiences aligns perfectly with the requirements of Appen's projects.

I am excited about the possibility of joining Appen and contributing to the development of high-quality projects. I am determined to apply my enthusiasm and the skills I have acquired over the years to a new field, and I am ready to learn and grow in the area of artificial intelligence and remote work.

Resumo da experiência profissional:

Experience in Articles and Writing:

I have produced original and engaging articles on a variety of topics, demonstrating my ability to research, synthesize information, and present content clearly and interestingly. Even with a few projects, I have sought to explore different writing styles and adapt to the specific needs of each project, showcasing my versatility as a writer.

Experience in Translation:

I have carried out translations of texts from various languages into my native language, ensuring accuracy and fidelity to the original content. I utilized my language skills to understand cultural nuances and ensure that the translations were adapted according to the context and target audience.

Experience in Voiceover:

I began to explore my voiceover ability, recording audio for small-scale projects such as narrations for explanatory videos and commercials. I sought feedback from clients and continuously worked to improve my voiceover technique, including intonation, rhythm, and clarity of voice.

Experience in Copywriting:

I have developed compelling copy for various marketing materials, including website content, social media posts, and email campaigns. My copywriting skills enable me to create persuasive and engaging messages that align with the brand voice and drive audience engagement.

Experience in Digital Art:

I have created digital artwork for various projects, including social media graphics, promotional materials, and website designs. My proficiency in graphic design software allows me to produce visually appealing content that complements my writing and enhances overall communication.


  • Portifólio Escrita Criativa e Profissional
    Sou uma redatora apaixonada pela escrita, pronta para criar conteúdos diversos, incluindo artigos acadêmicos, posts para blogs e textos para websites. Apesar de estar começando na área, meu compromisso é oferecer textos bem pesquisados, claros e envolventes, sempre entregues dentro do prazo. Estou focada em atender às necessidades específicas de cada cliente, garantindo qualidade e dedicação em ca


  • Escrita Criativa
  • Escrita para Web
  • Idiom
  • Locução
  • Marketing Digital
  • Pesquisa de Campo
  • Produção Cultural

Áreas de interesse:

  • Outra - Design & Criação
  • Outra - Escrita
  • Outra - Tradução



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