
Freelancer Pro Eduardo M.

Diretor Jurídico do portal Design de Futuro & Digital Law. Advogado, professor, escritor e palestrante. Especialista em Direito Econômico e Empresarial pela FGV. MBA Executivo Fundação Dom Cabral.

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Ranking: 23694 | Projetos concluídos: 0 | Recomendações: 0 | Registrado desde: 18/07/2023

Sobre mim:

Professional experience directed towards the executive corporate activity, both as Chief Legal Officer and Chief Executive Officer in law firms, and manager of Brasil Telecom legal department (team: 12 people; annual budget of the area: R$ 8 million, annual revenues: R$ 14.5 billion), where I took part in the “Business Committee” of the company, responsible for analyzing, developing and implementing strategic products and innovation projects.

Institutional/Government Relations professional with experience in the Information, Communications and Technology industry (ICT). Problem-solver, able to work well under pressure and with strong interpersonal skills.

Valuable experience in innovation, judicial litigation, corporate, consumer and IT Law, high-level negotiations, contracts, management of outsourced offices, internal restructuring, commercial strategic planning, image crisis management and coordination of multitask projects / teams.

Proactive, hands-on profile directed towards negotiation and skillfulness in managing and motivating people and teams.

I also implemented alternative mechanisms to solve disputes with final consumers and obtained a reduction of 62% in the average value of judicial sentences related to suits filed by said consumers.

Graduation degree in Law at a first-class university school, Executive MBA at Fundação Dom Cabral, LL.M in Economic and Corporate Law at Fundação Getulio Vargas, in addition to several graduation courses and higher-degree complementary courses.

Resumo da experiência profissional:

Direito Civil, Consumidor, Empresarial, Digital/Internet, Crimes Digitais, Contratos, Empreendedorismo e Inovação.


  • Negociação
  • Consultoria de Negócios
  • Direito Digital
  • Direito Empresarial
  • Direito Civil
  • Conciliação & Mediação
  • Startups
  • Inovador
  • Empreendedorismo

Áreas de interesse:

  • Civil
  • Empresarial
  • Criminal
  • Propriedade Intelectual
  • Outra - Advogados & Leis
  • Consumidor
  • Contratos



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