
Vanilton S.

Tradutor de Embaixada

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Ranking: 1390536 | Projetos concluídos: 0 | Recomendações: 0 | Registrado desde: 04/09/2022

Sobre mim:

Experiência de mais de 3 anos como tradutor na Embaixada do Paquistão e empresas multinacionais.

Resumo da experiência profissional:

With over 3 years of experience as a Translator, I wanted to reach out to you
with my interest in joining your team.
My qualifications are:
Interpreter/Translator/text revisor.
As a third party contractor, I worked for a period of 6 months as an
interpreter/translator (1986) at the ALCOA/ALUMAR/ALCAN refinery, in their
plant, located in Sao Luis Maranhao (Brazil).
The activities performed were basically to accompany the Australian technicians
in charge of inspecting and/or instructing both new and experienced
personnel/crew not yet fully qualified in the field of processing the bauxite ore
in order to properly obtain the target product (Alumina powder).
Other tasks involved were:
translation of laboratory reports from Portuguese into English and vice versa;
Voice translate meetings/communications between tecnhicians and non-English
speaking crew members.
Embassy of Pakistan (1988 – 1990)
- Translation of documents and official communication to and from the
Embassy of Pakistan, located in Brasilia (Brazil Capital City).
- Accompany the (Ambassadors yet unfamiliar with Portuguese) in any
necessary outdoor situation, to be his interpreter as well as in his official duties
related to the Brazilian government authorities such as the President of Brazil
and other members of the Brazilian Government staff.
Other experiences include: individual/group brief lessons in English such as: free
conversation and/or pronunciation improvement.
Lived for six months in Chelsea (Michigan - USA) in 1980, which enriched the
experience of learning English from native speakers, providing a life changing opportunity and language skills.


  • Bilíngue

Áreas de interesse:

  • Inglês



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