
Arthur G.

Marketing professional and Ex-Meta Customer Service.

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Ranking: 799876 | Projetos concluídos: 0 | Recomendações: 0 | Registrado desde: 24/09/2020

Sobre mim:

Marketing professional and Ex-Meta Customer Service.

Fully experienced in Google, Facebook, Tiktok Ads and Social Media.

Need help in your Business Adverstisement? Want to receive more calls and clients in your store? I am here to help and I'll be delighted to be contacted :)

Fast learning and always looking for innovation, delevop myself and my skills.

Resumo da experiência profissional:

Marketing professional and Ex-Meta Customer Service.

Fully experienced in Google, Facebook, Tiktok Ads and Social Media.

Need help in your Business Adverstisement? Want to receive more calls and clients in your store? I am here to help and I'll be delighted to be contacted :)

Fast learning and always looking for innovation, delevop myself and my skills.


  • Mídias sociais
    Life_co. e Overfit - Pacote de desenvolvimento das logomarcas e artes.
  • Shibas Bottle House
    Pacote de cardápios e artes.
  • Ensaio fotográfico
    Ensaio fotográfico realizado para estudantes de moda.


  • Design Gráfico
  • Redação Publicitária
  • Google ADS
  • Mídias Sociais
  • Google Analytics
  • Marketing de Conteúdo

Áreas de interesse:

  • SEO - Search Engine Optimization
  • Marketing Digital
  • Gestão de Mídias Sociais
  • Pesquisa de Mercado
  • Outra - Vendas & Marketing



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